Celebrate with us!

RSVP for the 50th anniversary of CPBS!

AI rendering of a redcedar box canyon with fireworks

AI Generated

We want you to come out and celebrate with us!

Tentative Schedule of Events:

Times Friday Saturday Sunday Monday
6 AM Bird Walk Bird Walk
7 AM Breakfast until 9 am Breakfast until 9 am Breakfast until 10 AM
8 AM Organized hikes, tours, canoeing, insect/plant collecting, tree planting Organized hikes, tours, canoeing, insect/plant collecting, tree planting
12 PM Lunch until 1:30 Lunch until 1:30
1 PM Siestas! Workshops*! Yoga! Siestas Workshops*! Yoga!
5:30 PM Dinner Dinner
7:00 PM Station opens for event! Director's Speech Slideshow and Storytime!
9:45 Spider Walk Owl Banding

Please note that all events are OPTIONAL. If you want to come out and sleep and mosy and wander and think and remember, that's what we want you to do!

*Workshops include but not limited to insect preserving, wildflower pressing, tie-dying shirts, water color, etc. Let us know what YOU want to participate in.

Please fill out the form to let us know you are coming!

1 Start 2 Complete
Preferred Method of Communication Required
Either or both.
ie. 1983, 1987, 2017
Was it work, research, class, etc., and which/what: kitchen work, turtle research, parasitology class?
What days will you be joining us? Required
Please check all that apply to you/your group!
Where would you like to stay? Required
Please check all that apply.
Cedar Point Housing Options
Please check all that apply.
How many people will there be in your party? Do they need separate accommodations? Are there any dietary needs?
We want to know what YOU want to do. Canoe? Hike? Look at old pictures? Collect insects for a night? Just relax?
We would love you to add a memory however silly, serious, or wonderful. We want to compile them. Please let us know if you want your name attached or as an anonymous note.
Do you have any photos or documents you would like to share?
We would love to display your photos or any documents! You can upload a photo here to be used in a slideshow or poster.
Files must be less than 50 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png txt pdf doc docx ppt pptx xls xlsx xml avi mov mp3 ogg wav.