Course List

1st Session: May 25th - June 13th

Literature and the Environment5/25 - 6/6ENGL 3173 crE. Rau (Nebraska)
Avian Biology5/25-6/13BIOS 475/8754 crA. Johnson (Nebraska)
Fundamentals of Biology II
5/25-6/13LIFE 121 (ACE 4)4 crD. Metz (Nebraska)

2nd Session: June 15th - July 4th

Predator Ecology6/15-7/4BIOS 453/853 (ACE 10)4 crS. Uiterwaal (WashU)
Field Herpetology6/15-7/4NRES 3744 crD. Ferraro (Nebraska)
Ecology and Evolution6/15-7/4BIOS 2074 crK. Coblentz (Nebraska)

3rd Session: July 6th - July 25th

Field Epidemiology7/6-7/25BIOS 452/852 (ACE 10)
IMED 749
4 cr.D. Nickol (UNMC)
Fundamentals of Biology II7/6-7/25LIFE 121 (ACE 4)4 cr.B. Reed (Washburn)
Spanish Immersion Camp7/6-7/18SPAN 3913 cr.R. Guevara (Nebraska)

4th Session: July 27th - August 15th

Field Parasitology7/27-8/15BIOS 487/887 (ACE 10)4 crS. Gardner (Nebraska)
Sandhills Biodiversity Loop
(Special Topics)
7/26-8/3BIOS 491-001/891-592 2 crJohn DeLong (Nebraska)
Imaging Indigenous Cedar Point7/20-8/1ETHN 1913 crStanley, Hinzo, Gannon (Nebraska)
Fundamentals of Biology II7/27-8/15LIFE 121 (ACE 4)4 crJ. Torres López

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Head to our Marketplace page to pay your deposit which guarantees your seat in the class of your choice!

Students using dip nets to look for crayfish.