Taking courses at Cedar Point is an excellent value for your tuition dollar. The tuition rate is the same as a campus course, and most campus student fees are waived. CPBS does not currently charge an extra course fee, and there is a room and board scholarship to help. We also have summer jobs to help pay for classes via the CPWorks program. Please check our employment page for available positions.
TO APPLY FOR A ROOM AND BOARD SCHOLARSHIP, FILL OUT THE ONLINE APPLICATION as soon as you can. Due date is March 15th prior to the summer of application for priority consideration.
We would like to see applications in before mid-March, but we will continue to accept applications as we have funds.
In order to be considered for a R&B scholarship:
- Fill out an application form
- Get a letter of recommendation from a faculty or staff member*
Our funds come from the Deans of Arts and Sciences, Education and Human Sciences, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, and Cedar Point endowments. Awards are based on character, work ethic, academic standing, and/or financial need. Note that several University of Nebraska-Lincoln tuition scholarships (i.e. Regents) require the student to notify the Financial Aid office that they have registered for a summer course. In Fall and Spring, this is automatic.
Note on recommendation: this needs to be no more than a short paragraph (3-5 sentences) attesting to the belief you would do well or better in an immersive, experiential class. Please let your recommender know this. Have them send it to cpbs@unl.edu.