Donation Funds for Cedar Point Biological Station

East cabins

Below is the list of our foundation funds with descriptions on how each fund is used. If you have additional questions, please reach out!

Cedar Point Biological Station Fund
#0102692Support the Cedar Point Biological Station. This money can be used for anything the station might need. If you have a project or an idea that you want your money to go to, let us know!
Cedar Point Works Fund
#01158630Currently being created by John DeLong and Jon Garbisch with the vision of reducing cost of lodging for instructors, teaching assistants, and students for all classes and events.
Dr. John Janovy, Jr. Curiosity Fund
#8364This fund is used for one or more scholarships or fellowships to regularly enrolled undergraduate or graduate students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln who will be attending and participating in the Cedar Point Biological Station during the summer months. The recipient of this scholarship shall be determined by the Director of CPBS
Dr. Mark Baxa Fund for Cedar Point Biological Station
#01141150This endowment fund is for use of scholarships for undergraduate or graduate students based on character and drive. This funding source does not allow the GPA of a student to impede receiving the award.
Dr. Mark Baxa Subfund for Cedar Point Facilities
#01141151This is a direct fund that the funds can be immediately used by the station for facility maintenance.
Langsley Cedar Point Adventure Fund
#01158180This fund provides the ability to give scholarship to non-University of Nebraska students taking a class at Cedar Point Biological Station. It is used primarily as a fund to allow non-Nebraska students to have access to scholarships to cover their room and board costs.
Adrian M. and J. Ve. Srb Memorial Fund

Sixty percent (60%) of this fund is known as the "Adrian M. Srb Memorial Subfund" and is used for the benefit and support of undergraduate students, including but not limited to scholarships and research support, at the Cedar Point Biological Station, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 

Forty percent (40%) of this fund is known as the "J. Ve. Srb Memorial Subfund" and is used for the benefit and support of graduate students, including but not limited to fellowships and research support, at the Cedar Point Biological Station, UNL.

This fund is used at the direction of the Director of CPBS. Recipients shall be selected on the basis of written proposals to the Director of Cedar Point Biological Station, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Preference shall be given to students enrolled in either the biological or environmental sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences or the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources at the University Of Nebraska-Lincoln. Recipients are encouraged to write a report about their experience at Cedar Point Biological Station to share with the Donor.

Edna I. & William H. Linder Fund for CPBS
#01075680This fund is the benefit and support of undergraduate and graduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences, including but not limited to scholarships, fellowships, and research support, at the Cedar Point Biological Station, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Students do not need to demonstrate financial need. This fund shall be used at the direction of the Director.
Gilbert J. Samuelson Memorial Fund
#01021270This fund is used for prairie restoration. It has provided for wildflower and native grass seed for the campus.
Clair Rankin Fund for the Parasitology Department
Charles C Mulry Cedar Point Biological Station Student Support Fund