Species Lists
We have multiple lists of species that can be found in the area, from mammals to plants, which are currently being loaded. If you have a specific list you would like which isn't here, please contact us.
Plant Lists for Cedar Point Biological Station
The Cedar Point Vascular Plant Species List was compiled by Robert B. Kaul, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and his students. Most of the plants are documented in Cedar Point Biological Station Herbarium (see that list). The Arapaho Prairie Vascular Plant Species List was compiled by Robert Kaul and Steven Rolfsmeier in 1998. It differs from Keeler et al. 1980 reflecting in part better taxonomy, revised identifications (Poa interior was almost certainly never there), and some vegetation shift over time.
Insect List
Cedar Point is home to many different species of insects. Two lists are available: the less detailed order/family list, and the more detailed species list. This insect list has been complied from the collections that have been accrued over the years by B.C. Ratcliffe, A. Joern, S. Rolfsmeier, J. Krupa, M. Kaspari, and many others. This list was started in the 1970s therefore we have tried to keep the taxonomy updated, but it may not be completely in line with new hierarchy. If you notice any old taxonomic categorizations, please let us know!
Bird List
Bird research is continuous here at CPBS, and every year, ornithology is one of the classes CPBS offers. We also have many bird-lovers come and go. This tri-fold brochure of our bird checklist includes over 300 bird species that have been reported from the area around Cedar Point Biological Station, Keith County, Nebraska. The checklist is based on a paper by Brown et al. 1996
Abbreviations following the species name in the checklist are as follows: * - breeding; * (?) - probably breeding; r - rare (few records); sm - spring migrant; fm - fall migrant; wv - winter visitant; pr - permanent resident; sv - summer visitant; ac - accidental (one record).