The original 38 acres of the Gainsforth Family-owned Cedar Point Ranch has grown to over 800, including 487 acres purchased in cooperation with the Nebraska Environmental Trust Fund.
The station's first rate facilities have been continually improved and expanded over the history of the station. This is a result of the hard work of many talented individuals and the generous support of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, University of Nebraska Foundation, and the National Science Foundation. Most of the station property was purchased with the support of the Nebraska Environmental Trust. The station has over twenty-five buildings, including the Goodall Lodge, the Gainsforth Resource Center, Lubber Lab, several garages and a boat house, plus multiple housing units.
Cedar Point Ranch, Prairies, and Canyons
For the researcher, student, or instructor using Cedar Point Biological Station there is a broad range of infrastructural resources available. Surrounding the core campus, users of CPBS have access to the Prairies and juniper-filled canyons that were originally the Gainsforth Family-owned Cedar Point Ranch. The close proximity of CPBS to diverse aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems allows for a great breadth of biological classes and research programs. These ecosystems include spring-fed streams, natural ponds, reservoirs, riparian forests, wet meadows, juniper-forested canyons, and grasslands. CPBS is located at the juncture of four grassland types: shortgrass, mixed-grass, sand-sage, and sandhills prairies. The Nebraska Sandhills is the largest area of vegetation-stabilized sand dunes in the western hemisphere, and this ecosystem is characterized by unique plant assemblages and numerous lakes and wetlands. For example, an incredible 340+ bird species have been observed in the Cedar Point area, a number unmatched by any comparable area north of Texas. Classes offered at Cedar Point have been designed to take advantage of these natural classrooms.
Professional and Student Housing
Cedar Point has private and shared housing with in cabin access to bath and HVAC amenities for the professionals coming to teach, facilitate, or conduct research. In our off-season, the visiting professional also has access to a fully equipped kitchen to prepare meals in.
For students taking classes, we have ten cabins. Each cabin houses only one gender and members of the same class are kept in the same cabin as often as possible. The cabins have electricity and each bed has 2 outlets for easy charging of phones or laptops/tablets. Each bed also has a dresser with drawers, shelves, and a bar for hanging clothes. Student cabins have a ceiling fan with light, and there are additional lights with a switch at each bed. Each cabin has a dustpan and broom to allow students to keep their cabins clean even as they track in the dirt that comes along with taking a field-oriented class.
Food is provided during in-season activities. This is generally a week before the start of our first session of classes through a couple of days past the last day of our final class. There is a hot-bar and a cold-bar during meal times, along with left-overs in the fridge in the dining hall and peanut butter/jelly sandwich ingredients available at all hours. Coffee, tea, and hot chocolate are also available no matter the hour.
Indoor Classroom Spaces
Gainsforth, Goodall Lodge, and Lubber Lab have classroom spaces. All three classrooms have electricity and wifi and are climate controlled.
- Gainsforth - Gainsforth’s classroom is located directly inside the north doors of the building. It is a modern lab space with a fume hood and quick access to the station’s library.
- Goodall Lodge - Goodall Lodge’s classroom space is located in the basement of the lodge. It has both a lecture area with desks and a large work space.
- Lubber Lab - Lubber Lab’s classroom space is located in the first door on the right inside of the lab. It can be easily rearranged to work as both a classroom and a lab.
Areas around Cedar Point
Just a few miles from Cedar Point is the city of Ogalalla. From its historic beginnings in the 1870s Ogalalla has been a center for the agricultural industry.
Lake McConaughy is Nebraska's largest reservoir. With over 100 miles of shore line, it is perfect for any fisher, camper, sailboater, swimmer, water skier, picnicker, hunter, or any other outdoor funseeker.