Cedar Point Biological Station (CPBS) is a field-based experiential classroom and research area. Built in 1960 as Cedar Point Ranch Girl Scout Camp, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln School of Biological Sciences purchased Cedar Point Ranch from the Gainesforth Family several years after leasing the core campus in 1975. Nestled beside serene Lake Ogallala in Western Nebraska, the original ranch was an ideal location for the School of Biological Sciences to create a permanent field site that could be used for field-based courses and research. Today, CPBS offers eight to ten courses every summer (primarily biology, but also art and English courses) and supports a broad range of research groups.
There are hundreds of biological field stations in a wide assortment of environments and locations globally, and we are proud to be an early member of the Organization of Biological Field Station (OBFS). OBFS is an international network of field-based facilities. Their website offers a wide range of services, including: lists of field courses available throughout the Americas, jobs on multiple skill levels, and a wide range of general information promoting the biological field station experience.
With its long history, we anticipate Cedar Point to be functioning far into the future, but it is only possible with your help. When visiting, we ask that you please treat facilities and research sites as the finite, fragile resources they are and help others to appreciate this concern. As with other university facilities, we expect visitors and guests to be courteous and respectful of those around them. The staff, faculty, and researchers at Cedar Point work hard to maintain a relaxed, friendly environment that promotes the "Cedar Point Experience." We encourage all guests and visitors to consider themselves a partner in this effort, and we are always open to comments and suggestions.
We look forward to seeing you at Cedar Point!