LIFE 121 + LIFE 121L
LIFE 120 + LIFE 120L
May 25th - June 13th
About the Instructor:
Course Description:
This course is a survey of living organisms, their morphology, life histories, taxonomy, phylogeny, ecology, and biogeography. It explores the nature of biodiversity, how that diversity is studied, and the economic importance of various groups of organisms. Working in teams of 2-3, students use skills learned in lecture to collect and identify organisms native to Cedar Point, conduct field experiments, and directly test major biological concepts (such as natural selection). Studies in the field and laboratory address different types of aquatic and terrestrial communities in the Sandhills.
Lecture, lab, and field work are combined to make for a more unified learning experience. Approximately two-thirds of the class time is spent in the field. There are mid-term and final examinations.
Students should expect to acquire from this course: (1) the ability to identify common organisms of Nebraska; (2) an understanding of the relationships of these organisms; (3) an understanding of community structure in the Great Plains; (4) experience designing and conducting field experiments; (5) a savage tan.