Natural History Database

We have two collections here at Cedar Point: a herbarium and an insect collection. While our herbarium is fully documented, we are currently compiling the insect collection into a searchable database.


This is a list of all the specimens in the Herbarium at the Cedar Point Biological Station. The list was compiled by Robert B. Kaul, U. Nebraska-Lincoln and most recently updated in 2007. The herbarium has been active since Cedar Point opened in 1976 as a biological research station.

In 2006-7, K.H. Keeler edited the plant lists from Arapaho Prairie and Cedar Point Biological station to reflect more current nomenclature. Plant taxonomy and systematics are undergoing rapid revision. At the same time, the internet is providing continually updated online references. The names on these lists were modified to conform to modern definitions using, chiefly, the USDA PLANTS database. The USDA PLANTS database, however, uses Cronquist (Cronquist, A. 1981), an integrated system of classification of flowering plants for its classification, an old scheme. At the same time, they are updating generic names to much more recent decisions, particularly those in the Flora of North America (REF). Consequently, the updating was done with a mixed approached, using the Angiosperm Phylogeny Website for systematics at the family level and above, and the PLANTS Database for genera and species names.

Links to Datasets and Associated Facilities

CNPPID - Reservoir Elevation and Platte River Flow Data

Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology

University of Nebraska Museum of Natural History: Search the University of Nebraska State Museum databases for Mammals, Birds, Herps and Fish. In the County field enter either Keith for Cedar Point, or Arthur for Arapaho Prairie.

Prairie Plains Resource Institute

Nebraska Game and Parks: General permit information.

High Plains Regional Climate Center

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Research Compliance Services

Cliff Swallow Project: Information about the 30+ year long research done by Dr. Charles Brown with details of cliff swallows and projects.